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Taking a Look Back with fpo...

parent support group

FPO Support Group meetings are intended to provide parent to parent support in
an effort to decrease the feeling of isolation. The topic is introduced at the
beginning of each session and parents voluntarily share tips, concerns, and/or
personal experiences to help one another. An expert concludes the meeting with
professional advice on the topic and will address any other concerns that may
have come up.


Our Parent Workshops are designed to increase parenting skills by providing

information and training on various parenting topics such as Building Long-lasting
Relationships/Bonding, Handling Challenging Behaviors, Money Management,
Setting limits and boundaries, etc.. We believe when parents are equipped with
the necessary skills, they can then give their children the tools they need to
succeed. For Parents Organization pride themselves for having had a positive
impact on children by first positively impacting their parents.



The purpose of our Vision Board Gathering is to encourage and inspire parents to
create goals for themselves, to focus on those goals, and ultimately take steps to
bring them to life. During this gathering they used a vision board as a tool to
help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on specific life goals. They use
pictures, words, and symbols to show who they would like to become, what they
want to accomplish, and the activities they would like to engage in.

FPO families (Parents and children) came together for a full day of fun, arts &
crafts and games! Arts and Craft Activities were made available for parents to
create with their children and then they had fun at Pump It up Indoor play.
Parents and Children played with one another and children with each other. The
goal is always to build parent-child relationships and increase social skills.


Families get to know and build relationships with one another. We enjoy a meal
together, socialize, play games and participate in relationship building activities
that help us get to know one another.


Vertical Leap is a Bible-based youth program that trains children ages 5-12 to
begin to discover and birth their purpose and dreams. In this program, children
interact with their peers through dance, fun activities, hands-on demonstrations
and games. This program builds confidence and self esteem.

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